protein meals
Protein rich concentrates provide an essential part of the overall feed ingredient mix
We source the following from multiple sources and deliver to many destinations:
Distiller's Dried Grains with Solubles (DDGS)
All feed recipes require various ingredients to provide protein, carbohydrates, fibre and any extras such as vitamins and minerals, etc.
Feed mix ingredients can be categorised as concentrates (provide a high density of nutrients with low crude fibre) and roughages (provide a low density of nutrients with crude fibre over 18%).
Protein Rich Concentrates provide an essential part of the overall Feed Ingredient mix, providing consistent protein quantity and mix of amino acids as part of the overall feed recipe.
Using concentrates in feed mixes improves livestock productivity, leading to increased livestock product outputs. A further benefit for ruminants is a higher utilisation of roughage feeds due to the Protein Rich Concentrates' provision of degradable protein, which stimulates rumen fermentation so causing increased fibre digestion and intake of roughages.