soy bypass
Soy Bypass is very effective in increasing the digestion of protein in dairy cattle’s intestines, so stimulating milk production.
We source the following from multiple sources and deliver to many destinations:
Soy Bypass is a meal produced to be very effective in reducing the breakdown of protein in the rumen and in turn increasing the digestion of protein in dairy cattle’s intestines, so stimulating milk production.
As the inclusion of Soy Bypass in a feed mix increases intestinal digestible protein intake, it is beneficial for ruminant feed mixes targeting growing phases or lactating phases.
Further, the resulting improvement in the amino acid profile and the lowering of total crude protein in the ration will reduce total feed costs, saving money and increasing the efficiency of the cattle feed.
For determining the required feed mix for the growth stage of the target ruminant, a qualified animal nutritionist should be consulted.
Please contact us for specifications and pricing.
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